Posted July 13, 2024 at 09:00 am

no news. sorry about this, but i might be taking another month-long break from updating this site to rebuild my buffer again. however, unlike the last times, its not for physical health problems (which have been pretty good recently actually!!! and my energy levels/ability to do things is much better in general) but mentally i'm falling apart at the seams. im stressed out about the wedding, and also the trajectory of my life. and also i need to get my head on straight again to remind myself why i'm doing anything that i'm doing. and i'm still playing around with trying to find a medication cocktail that can get me through the day.

thank you all for reading and sorry for the on-off update schedule. it's the quickest way to turn people off of a comic and i really dislike the degree to which my unreliability has developed. it feels like its coming back, but too slowly. isn't that always how it goes though?

oh! and today is the 11th year anniversary of AGS! that's so many comics! that's so long! i swear this is going somewhere!!!!
