Posted August 31, 2024 at 09:00 am

as a reminder: i'm extending my 1 page a week update schedule until NOV 2ND!

sorry again for the inconvenience. you have all been extremely kind in telling me not to worry about it and that its fine. but you know how it is. especially when the comic is a slow drip feed for tension reasons. it's still a lot to ask of an audience that's been getting an inconsistent update schedule for like a year straight. but at least it's been for productive reasons: im def on a better brain medication after spending a LOT of time getting off the two i was on and i have a month left to finish my wedding planning. which is a process i wasn't aware would become an all-consuming nightmare.

but its almost done...i'm slowly acclimating back into my previous levels of activity (i hope!) and am trying to draw more side stuff.

here's another ask i answered on tumblr about "a ghost story"!:

im going to be doing my best to answer more fun questions with illustrations to get myself "back in the groove". ok bye!! thank you all for reading and commenting and your infinite kindness.
