Posted February 19, 2020 at 09:00 am

since patreon seems perpetually just on the tipping point of exploding, im working on setting up a ko-fi page for commissions and as a potential back up plan since they also offer monthly donation plans (for a more reasonable price than patreon's insane cut). i dont feel comfortable asking for money via a ko-fi account: i ask that people only donate what they can and asking for lump sum donations doesn't feel like "work". regardless, i'll see if i can turn it into a commission area. i have one big commission left in the queue that is way overdue, so once i get that one done we'll...see. i dont know.

anyway im off to see the new masaaki yuasa film tonight. unrelated, i saw parasite a few days ago now that its finally coming to theaters for a post-oscar victory lap and i can't stop thinking about it. what a good movie. its so interesting the way it talks about income disparity with a legitimately "real" feeling nuanced lens that doesn't fall into the "rich people are Good actually/we are all one race, the human race :)" pitfalls and bides its time to make its messages really slam you in the head like a rock. its dark and funny and features my favorite plot element: running a scam on suckers. great film. seek it out.

later this week we're going to go see "the thing" since a local movie group is screening it. some other local movie group was playing "a night at the opera" before our parasite showing and i need to worm my way into whatever that one was. there's some really great movie clubs in this town, i just need to get involved.
